
Showing posts from May, 2018

No Progress

Hello all, I'm in an extremely low mood and probably shouldn't make a blog post, but I need to update this blog, regardless. So, warning in advance that the tone for this post will not be great. //Life Update  This will be very ranty. If you don't care to read about my life problems, feel free to jump to "What does this mean for the project". All of my plans for graduating college have absolutely tanked. It's my fault, unfortunately, as I put all of my eggs in a basket that was made out of lined paper and the whole thing just fell apart when I tried to pick it up. Analogy aside, I've been trying to put my life together since then and every plan falls apart as quickly as it gets made. For whatever reason, it seems that the only viable option I will have is to go back to living with my mom. There's no problem living with her except that there's no jobs where she lives, practically everyone there hates LGBT people (let alone furries), my brothe

Back from trip and graduated!

//Quick Update Hello all! I'm back from my trip to Croatia, Slovenia, and Bosnia/Herzegovina. It was really great and I learned a lot about traveling and other cultures up close. To say the trip was very interesting would be an understatement. Luckily, I didn't lose anything (to my current knowledge...) and have a bunch of souvenirs to send to my family and friends. :) I also graduated from college! FREEDOM! I'll be taking a break for the next two months from real life stuff to destress before jumping into the economy (yay...), which gives me loads of time to work on this project! For the next couple of days, I will be unpacking, unwinding, and alumni-ing (weird stuff my college makes me do for post-grad crap), so don't expect a lot of progress from me this week. This segues nicely however into... //Project Goals and Progress I have speaking with a friend from the MUGENBaraTreehouse forum [LINK] , and he seems very interested in helping with the project! We

Great Progress: Good News, Bads News, and a Question

//Bad News First Hey everyone! I like to get to the bad news first, mostly to get it out of the way and to end on the good note! I was really hoping to get the game to a good point of completion by this Friday. Unfortunately, it just didn't and won't happen. Graduating from college apparently takes a lot of time. I also now have to go pick up friends and family from different airports to import them for the ceremony. Afterwards, I leave the country to go on tour for 10 days...which is why I wanted to have a demo ready by this Friday. //Now the Good News The good news is that I have made a huge amount of progress. I have finished the HUD and player -> enemy interactions. I mostly have enemy -> interactions done as well. I also have figured out the beginnings of how the AI will work and how the sexy parts will play into the game. I'm hoping my takes on this part of the game will make fights enjoyable, but playable with one-hand. ;D //Real Question At this point,