Here is a general FAQ that will be updated as I get more interest in the project. Please feel free to send me emails, comments, and notes so that I can make this game even better!

Q. Will this game contain NSFW content?: 

A. Yes

Q. What kind of NSFW content?:

A. Homosexual only. If the project expands and I am able to unload work onto a team instead of doing it all myself, then we could deliberate over making other kinds of content available. However, as I am strictly male and homosexual, I'm not making content for something I don't care for. 

Q. Where's the paywall?:

A. There is none. I never intend on making a financial profit on this project. If money becomes involved at any point, the farthest I would go would be a tip jar. This would change as the project expands, however, as adding team members would change the direction of the project. Community input will always be a large factor in decisions stepping forward!

Q. This project sounds great! How can I help?:

A.  Feel free to contact me on FA, Telegram, or Ferzu! We can talk about what strengths you can bring to the table and see if this is a right fit for you!

 Q. What kind of project is this?:

A. This will be a FOSS project. There is a Git repo that holds the most up to date version of the game (albeit extremely buggy). I may eventually make some kinda tutorial on how to do this later, but don't expect it. 

Q. When will this blog be updated?:

A. I will try to update on Wednesdays, but I don't see much point in wasting coding time blogging, so don't burn me at the stake if I don't update it once in awhile. If you're TRULY curious, feel free to message me. I have more free time than it probably seems. 

Q. When will new builds be released?:

A. Depends. I want to release the game to be sectioned into chapters or sections of some sort. Once a chapter/section is completed and merged into the full project is when I would make a new public build.

Q. Will you ever Livestream?:

A. Maybe if there becomes a demand for it. Currently, however, there is none, so no.

Q. What are you using to make this game?:

A. I'm using a myriad of programs to keep up with all of progress, advertise, and generally keep me sane. Strictly speaking though, I'm using 4 main programs:
    •  Unity - coding
    •  Git - version control
    •  Paint.Net - spriting and HUD development
    •  Tiled - maps

Q. Will there be character customization in this game?:

A. Currently, no. Sorry to disappoint. I'm really bad at creating art assets (as you've seen), and creating a custom character creation thing would be a nightmare for me atm. Maybe as I get better at spriting and coding, I'll lighten up on this, but currently, it is a strict, resounding and resonate le nope. This is also a personal project. I don't intend on catering to anyone's wants or needs, which is also why I'm not asking for any money. However...

Q. Can my fursona/character be in this game somehow?:

A. Yes! There are three positions that I can easily place your character into. 
      • NPC
      • Minor Enemy ("random" enemies in the field)
      • Major Enemy ("Contestant" -Msg me for more info on this)
        • There will be a very limited number of these.
If you want your character to look good, I recommend getting a commission from someone who doesn't suck at spriting (Hungothenomster maybe?).
Thanks for reading!