No Progress

Hello all,

I'm in an extremely low mood and probably shouldn't make a blog post, but I need to update this blog, regardless. So, warning in advance that the tone for this post will not be great.

//Life Update
 This will be very ranty. If you don't care to read about my life problems, feel free to jump to "What does this mean for the project".

All of my plans for graduating college have absolutely tanked. It's my fault, unfortunately, as I put all of my eggs in a basket that was made out of lined paper and the whole thing just fell apart when I tried to pick it up. Analogy aside, I've been trying to put my life together since then and every plan falls apart as quickly as it gets made. For whatever reason, it seems that the only viable option I will have is to go back to living with my mom. There's no problem living with her except that there's no jobs where she lives, practically everyone there hates LGBT people (let alone furries), my brother already lives there, and my grandma is dying from Pneumonia that she picked up at my graduation ceremony. 

Anyway, I'm applying for jobs in my town within a 25 mile radius. It's been about 2 weeks and I've heard nothing from any of the employers, so I'll probably end up not getting a job and being forced to move in with my mom. I'm not sure if I'm over qualified because of the college degree or if my lack in retail experience makes my resume/applications get ignored. Maybe both? Who knows. (Also, as a side note: my college would terminate my scholarship and expel me from the school if I had gotten a job outside the college during enrollment in the institution).

So, if you haven't picked up on it, I've become overwhelmingly stressed in the period of like two days after returning from Europe. I'm exceptionally scared of being forced to return to my hometown due to finances and hate that the work put into job searching is met with employees who don't want to deal with you and employers who ghost you instead of being courteous.

//What does this mean for the project?
Honestly, I don't know. Due to institutional policies from my alma mater, I had to reimage my computer. The project seems to be working fine, except anything that was imported from Tiled isn't working and my motivation to fix it doesn't exist currently. Dman Bro (a friend from the MUGEN Bara Treehouse community) has graciously decided to help me in this project, though, and I don't want his effort to go to waste.

I will most likely begin working on the project within the week or so, especially once I've given up on my job search. I apologize for the ranty, unprofessional blog post, and especially apologize to anyone who is looking forward to this project. I don't want this to be a goodbye, but it might be.



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