Great Progress: Good News, Bads News, and a Question

//Bad News First
Hey everyone! I like to get to the bad news first, mostly to get it out of the way and to end on the good note! I was really hoping to get the game to a good point of completion by this Friday. Unfortunately, it just didn't and won't happen. Graduating from college apparently takes a lot of time. I also now have to go pick up friends and family from different airports to import them for the ceremony. Afterwards, I leave the country to go on tour for 10 days...which is why I wanted to have a demo ready by this Friday.

//Now the Good News
The good news is that I have made a huge amount of progress. I have finished the HUD and player -> enemy interactions. I mostly have enemy -> interactions done as well. I also have figured out the beginnings of how the AI will work and how the sexy parts will play into the game. I'm hoping my takes on this part of the game will make fights enjoyable, but playable with one-hand. ;D

//Real Question
At this point, it IS possible to release a demo. However, there will be pros and cons to this.
  • People get to try the game out
  • I get feedback on the game and what people want and what needs improvement
  • Maybe I can get some help to make the game better!
  • Enemy AI is non-existent. You will only get to play a demo match against a training dummy
  • Buggy games can turn people off and away
  • My art sucks a lot and people may dislike and leave due to shit assets
There are probably more Pros and Cons, but I don't feel like putting anymore effort into making a list.

The question I have for everyone is: Would you rather me wait to release a demo or release it before I go on tour?  I think there's a poll widget that I can post on this site or something. Feel free to comment on what you think! Also feel free to ask for better pictures and such...because idk what to take pictures of!

Regardless, on Friday, I will post GIFs and media of how the flow of battle will work and what it looks like.

Thanks for reading!  :D


  1. I'll just share my two cents on the pros and cons but in the end it's really all up to how badly you want to share it.


    People get to try the game out:
    Sharing an early demo would let people know what to expect and help them decide whether or not they may want to stick around for the completed project. Bad thing about this is experiencing something can lead to eventual boredom whether they liked the early access or not.

    The less complete it is, the less feedback there is to give.

    Finding help:
    Collaboration is great but takes a LOT of communication and planning. It may be wise to have something grounded for reference before looking for help. Doesn't mean you have to though.


    Enemy AI and training dummy:
    Should not even be a concern, it's not even in an alpha state I assume so this is normal.

    Buggy games:
    You should never be worried about buggy games turning off people, if they leave due to an early not even alpha state buggy game then they probably weren't interested in the first place. There will ALWAYS be bugs and squashing them only makes more.

    Bad art:
    Gotta start somewhere y'know? Even good art can turn off people due to preferences.

    1. Thanks for the response! Your MUGEN edits are great. :)

      I'll definitely keep this in consideration. I'm currently leaning on not releasing a demo yet, but releasing GIFs of current gameplay.

      I'm less worried about my will to share it, but more worried about my will to complete it. I'm glutton for not finishing projects. It's probably bad practice/rude to rely on others, but I'm hoping that if I can get support for a project that I like, maybe I'll not only finish it, I'll keep polishing it and improving until it's something really great.

    2. Quality takes time man. I personally believe there's nothing wrong with incomplete projects when there is no real obligation to do so. There's also nothing wrong with asking for help. Even the smallest bit of assistance can go a long way.

      Also uh I've never actually made any Mugen edits whatsoever, just fixed a few oversights here and there. Kinda in the same boat with being unable to draw my own art but I'm working on not needing any help.

      I'll be honest and say I am a bit interested in trying to help out. I've been doing some simple C# studies online and have messed with Unity a bit, though not enough to do anything. May as well take the opportunity to improve myself and maybe help cut down on your work load. I'll shoot you a message on telegram and you can get back to me whenever.

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