
Showing posts from April, 2018

Getting close to Alpha!

Hello everyone! //Status update I finished all of my classes (that matter)! Now that I'm finished, I will be able to work more at my job, which ends when I finish my 160 hour contract...and I'm at 150 hours, so I'll be done VERRRRRRYYY soon. Unfortunately, I will be going abroad for a week and a half, so there will be practically zero progress during that time...I'm hoping that maybe...I can potentially get the build out before I go, as next week is fairly free for me. :D //Progress I have mostly been working on frame working. I am setting up functions that make my life easier by doing basic or repetitive things, like...Make wheel...or create timer, etc, so I don't have to keep doing it every time I need them. I have also created a HUD that will most likely be the HUD for the rest of the project, although I will probably make it easier in the future...hopefully. //What's left to do before Alpha? I need to make animations and actions for basic combat...a

Progress and Media Trickle In

Hey all, //Status Update Progress has unfortunately been slow due to me being in my last semester of undergrad. Homework, finals, social life, and work have all been piling up astronomically, but that will be over very, very , very shortly. //Current Progress As per usual, I do keep the Trello board mostly up to date with goals and current objectives. If you would like to see that board, the link is in the left side menu. The general summary of the progress so far, however, is that I have finished implementing all the movement systems for the player (for this stage of development) along with the 2 different maps that are being used for testing; an "Overworld" where the game will RPG-like in nature, and a "Battle" map where the game will essentially act like Smash Bros. or Digimon Rumble Arena. I have also created a basic, placeholder enemy that will be easy to animate and test with. //Advertising Now that the game is getting closer to a working demo, I wil