Getting close to Alpha!

Hello everyone!

//Status update
I finished all of my classes (that matter)! Now that I'm finished, I will be able to work more at my job, which ends when I finish my 160 hour contract...and I'm at 150 hours, so I'll be done VERRRRRRYYY soon. Unfortunately, I will be going abroad for a week and a half, so there will be practically zero progress during that time...I'm hoping that maybe...I can potentially get the build out before I go, as next week is fairly free for me. :D

I have mostly been working on frame working. I am setting up functions that make my life easier by doing basic or repetitive things, like...Make wheel...or create timer, etc, so I don't have to keep doing it every time I need them. I have also created a HUD that will most likely be the HUD for the rest of the project, although I will probably make it easier in the future...hopefully.

//What's left to do before Alpha?
I need to make animations and actions for basic combat...and that's it? Yeah. I think so? We'll see. :)
The reason I am waiting for the first release is due to the game not having much functionality just yet. Mostly, the game currently is a walking simulator. There's no goal; no winning or losing. No repercussions for your actions and nothing to really do yet. I am very close to having a game that can do things, though!

Recently, I went to a conference and learned how to use UE4! I got to speak with creators of the engine and learned of some cool programming techniques to help me out. I may also be working with an artist using the engine to create another furry project! I won't mention their handle just yet, however, because I'm not sure what's going on just yet.

Thanks for reading! :)


  1. good news!! i hope going to say you "thanks for your work, now... TAKE MY MONEY BITCH!!! XD" *yiff yiff*

    1. Yeah! I hope everyone enjoys it. No need for money! It's free! :D

    2. no donations? but i wanna give you a retribution 1313

    3. Thank you! I may eventually make a ko-fi or something, but I don't want this project to start drawing money until it's worth something. :D I also have no established reputation in the furry community, so I won't ask for money until I know I need it. :)


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