July 30th Update

Hey everyone,

The last couple of weeks have been pretty hectic for me. Turns out picking up your whole life and being homeless for two weeks (while maintaining a job) takes some preparation. For the next two weeks, I will have extremely limited access to the Internet and a place to charge my laptop. On top of this, my laptop's hinges have snapped in half. Due to this, I had to completely disassemble my laptop:

Once I got it back together, the display decided it doesn't want to work...So now I have to reseat the display.

I'm extremely sorry that all of these setbacks are happening at once, especially towards the beginning of the project. However, I love designing games and this game will always be a project that I intend to finish, regardless of what obstacles meander into my path. As soon as I finally get settled down in Colorado, expect to see more regular updates, and potentially a really big one. ;)

//Actual Progress
In spite of my recent life business/troubles, I have made a steady bit of progress to the fighting system.

I have begun play testing the test battle scene from start to finish in order to get a stronger grasp on current flow of gameplay. There are many, many things that still need to be tweaked, but I have FINALLY finished being able to fight a single enemy and win. Now that winning is out of the way, I need to add challenge to the game by making a way for the player to lose.

A core mechanic in this game will be the "Sex MiniGame Combat", which I've named SA for Special or Sex Attack. This attack will initiate a sex scene (within combat) that prompts a minigame to appear. This allows for the dominant attacker to increase enemy lust greatly within a short period of time. The catch is that the enemy has the potential to break out by completing the minigame before you.

1st - Stagger Enemy

2nd - Use your SA down to use initiate the attack. (Default for now, later customizable). Control is moved to the "joysticks" on screen that you control to find the "sweet spots". The longer you stay in the sweet spots, the higher the receiver's lust will rise. The top, blue gauge is the Timer Gauge. Each time the gauge maxes out, the "sweet spots" are moved and the Break Gauge is decreased.

The second meter under the timer is the Break Gauge. The Break Gauge allows for the receiver to break the SA early, thus saving them from receiving lust damage. If a character reaches 100% lust during the SA, that character is dominated and loses a heart. 0 hearts, and you lose!

I unfortunately do not have a GIF or video of the updated version of the minigame just yet. 

//Change Log Section
Since I hate how AAA titles give extremely useless change logs and patch history "notes", I will be keeping change logs here in the bi-weekly updates for myself and anyone else interested. The Change Logs will always conclude each update:
//Change Log
 - revamped jumping system to allow for "short hopping", variable jump heights, and fast fall.
 - changed collision detection system
 - Implemented player stun
 - Implemented player stagger
 - Revamped SAmg
       - added Break Gauge and dom/sub states for both characters
       - Split Player space and Enemy space to independent scripts

Thanks for reading!
~ Aetius Baltimore ~
