June 21st Progress Update

Hello All,

I will probably make these progress updates bi-weekly due to my job and the smallerish amount of progress I made this week.

//The List
  • Created template for adding attack animations and adjusting hitboxes.
  • Created and implemented all attack controls. Not tested. 
    • Attack controls are extremely similar to Smash Bros. Unlike Smash (except for Miis), the player moveset is modular. Here is a brief list of the general controls, however:
      • Normal - "A" - This is the attack when you press the normal attack button with no directional input. Will eventually lead to a small combo or something. 
      • ForwardNormal - "A + >" - This is similar to Ftilt in Smash. 
      • UpNormal - "A + ^" - This is similar to Utilt in Smash. 
      • DownNormal - "A + v" - this is similar Dtilt in Smash. 
      • Special - "B" - this will be the character's signature move. All specials are sexual in nature, so this will vary by enemy. The player will get to choose what move this is based on the class they're currently using. 
      • SideSpecial - "B + >" - This will be a special that will usually close gaps between you and the enemy (for the enemy). The player gets to choose which moves go into what slot, however.
      • UpSpecial - "B + ^" - This will be a special move that is generally defensive or evasive in some manner. Unlike in Smash, you will not need to recover from being knocked off of stages, thus this move will recover Balance or create shields. 
      • DownSpecial - "B + v" - This move will be a grapple of some sort that activates the "SpecialAttackMiniGame" (SAmg for short). The SAmg will be explained later as I haven't completely implemented it yet, but if you're curious, there is a GIF on the media page in its WIP state. 
  • Created and implemented Gabumon's Normal for testing purposes
  • Created double jump mechanics
  • Created and implemented Normal Punch for player
  • Implemented chasing, attacking, and blocking behaviors for Gabumon
    • He is WAY too aggressive right now
  • Created sprites for player hitstun and stagger state.
  • Designed classes and a couple of attacks for the classes. 
Since this is an RPG, you need to have RPG classes! Thus, I've decided a class system similar to Fenoxo's TiTs or CoC. Possible FF? Idk. Comparisons are getting old, so I'll probs stop that from now on. Get what you want out of the game and compare it yourself. :P I digress: Here is the current graph that I have created:
 Yes, this took entirely too long to make. Lines represent what class is required in order to obtain the next class. Each class will net you unique abilities (passive and dynamic) that can be used in combat. Essentially, there are three basic classes, a specialization to each class, and a hybrid for each combination of the three basic classes. Freelancer will be fairly useless, save for some passive abilities.

From here, I am working on the game in the order of its flow. To elaborate, I'm still implementing important aspects of the standard fight scene. Currently, I'm working on implementing hitstun for the player, then I will test a fight and make some tweaks to make fights fair on both sides. This may be a bit tedious and testing too much for this stage, but I need to make sure this part of the game is fun since most of the actual gameplay will be focused in this area. Once I finish adjusting hitstun, I will then adjust stagger states for both sides, then fix the SAmg. At that point, I will be finished with the bare minimum framework of the fight scene.

I'm not sure if I've explained the gameplay flow yet...so I'll do that now. In essence, the flow is fairly simple and very standard to RPGs. Overworld -> Fight -> Reward -> Overworld. Shocker? Probs not. The change in the formula is depicted in the Fight section. Once "zoomed in" the flow of fights goes something like this: Begin -> Lower Enemy's Balance to Zero/Use Special Attacks (SAs) -> Stagger -> SAmg -> (Loop) -> Win.  While most SAs will cause Lust damage, a character can only climax after being subject of an SAmg.

//No Drop Date Yet and Apology
I don't want to put anymore dates out. I've been very wrong with how close I am to Alpha (especially after speaking with some game devs in the Furry community). I feel like I'm extremely close to releasing a version of the game, then I realize that there's something here that needs to be adjusted or something there that breaks the game. I apologize for getting hopes up, if I had. Please be patient and understanding. I want this game to be awesome and I hope everyone enjoys it...thus I need it to work. :)

//Game Jam
Next week, I will be participating in Kemonokun's Furry Game Jam, which is where a group of developers will get together to great a game in one week. I'm not exactly sure what we'll create, but I'm sure it will be an interesting experience, regardless. Unfortunately, since I'll be programming for this event, I will most likely not get much, if any, work done on this project.

This post turned out a lot longer than I thought it would be. :I

Thanks for reading!
