Actual Progress

Hello everyone!

//Life Update
While my life is still somewhat chaotic, I have gained a semblance of control and direction again. I also have multiple backup plans so that I never get blindsided like that ever again. Sorry for the rotten post... :|

//Mechanical Development
I hit a snag in trying to develop the game part of the game. I have been struggling for a long time with timers and messages being sent to game objects, and game objects not receiving them...I digress. I've finally found a way to circumvent ALL of that and make the entire process 4 million times easier for myself and the code is neater. With this, I'm HOPING I can finally move on, as I will have completely finished (for now) combat stuff! This will actually leave room for me to work on the "overworld" section of the RPG, then release it to the world. :)

//Story Development
There are still some issues to resolve and some cracks to plaster, but I believe that there is now a plot for the game. I won't release any details for now (I'm pretty proud of this story, ok?). You will encounter the beginning of this story in the first demo! There are some slight spoilers on my Trello board if you're curious!

//Where da demo?
Unfortunately, there will not be a demo any time soon, I think?  I've completely overhauled my Trello board to actually be a little useful for anyone who may want to join and for myself. After looking at all the things that really need to be done, there's no feasible way to have a demo going this month, in all honesty. I will be updating the Media page with more GIFs of the updated HUD and what battles will look like. I'm sorry if this is disappointing to some, but I do have some good news...

 I haven't had a chance to include the link here on the blog yet (I'm trying to sleep at some point eventually), but I've created a GitHub repo that will be updated daily-ish as I continually improve the code and create the game. As those of you who are familiar with GitHub know, all repos must be FOSS if you want them to be free. Since I'm broke, I very much like my repos to be free. Thus, the repo for this project is FOSS, like I intended it to be anyway. What does this mean for the audience? If you want to go through the effort, you can download the project for yourself, build it, and play demos whenever the hell you want. If you do this PLEASE NOTE: these will be very alpha. Like, the most buggy programs you'll ever encounter ever, so don't bite off more than you can chew or whatever.

//Requesting help
This is the hardest part...I did not realize how absolutely terrible I am at creating art and sprites until this project. Even though the dimension for the characters are only 32x32, I am absolutely done with this game after making one sprite. It may be that my mouse sucks and I'm colorblind, but idk. If there is anyone who would like to help the cause, feel free to peruse the trello board for anything you may be able to contribute towards! I will gladly accept any help and include your handle in the credits of the game!

I think that's all for now...? Yep.


  1. What characters are you looking for?

    1. I would prefer custom characters (as CC could get dicey if I ever made money with this). Unfortunately, since I'm terrible at art and don't have a drawing tablet yet, I can't really create any just yet. I'll most likely design a couple of characters, put them up on Trello and see where everything goes. :)


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