
Forced Hiatus

Hey all, // Apology You've probably noticed, but I'm taking a hiatus from the project...again. Unfortunately, I do not have the funds to replace my now broken laptop and have no other way to code. I will be able to secure funds for a new PC since I'm working two jobs at the moment. This won't be a quick fix, however. // What does this mean?!  Honestly, I would stop following this project unless you're just really interested in it. Once I get everything back up and running and actually make headway on this, I'll update the blog and trello with my progress. Once the demo is done, I'll do some advertising to get new players and re-attract the ones I lost due to my undependable-ness. Since I have no real progress or ability to develop, the project is officially on hiatus. Unless something magical happens, don't expect another update from me this year. Sorry to keep you all in suspense, Aetius P.S. I don't want to spend energy and time chec

Finished moving!

Hello Everyone! After a 2 week hiatus and being homeless for 1 week, I've finally secured a job and housing! My life is already 3x times better in Denver than it is was in Kentucky. This is a quick journal to update anyone watching, as I didn't have access to my computer or internet for the last three weeks. I plan on jumping straight back into the project and working fervently to get the first demo out. Have a good day! Also, hope everyone who goes to Denfur Con enjoys!

July 30th Update

Hey everyone, // 4-1-1 The last couple of weeks have been pretty hectic for me. Turns out picking up your whole life and being homeless for two weeks (while maintaining a job) takes some preparation. For the next two weeks, I will have extremely limited access to the Internet and a place to charge my laptop. On top of this, my laptop's hinges have snapped in half. Due to this, I had to completely disassemble my laptop: Once I got it back together, the display decided it doesn't want to work...So now I have to reseat the display. I'm extremely sorry that all of these setbacks are happening at once, especially towards the beginning of the project. However, I love designing games and this game will always be a project that I intend to finish, regardless of what obstacles meander into my path. As soon as I finally get settled down in Colorado, expect to see more regular updates, and potentially a really big one. ;) // Actual Progress In spite of m